For Z-Wave
Thinka for KNX
Thinka for Z-Wave
Frequently Asked questions
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My Thinka's LED is red
No worries, your Thinka is starting up
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I think my Thinka is broken
How do I restart my Thinka?
After connecting Thinka my KNX system has become irresponsive!
My Thinka's LED is flashing red
My Thinka's LED is flashing green
What do the colours of the LED on the Thinka mean?
How do I factory reset my Thinka?
How do I factory reset my Thinka for Z-Wave?
How can I find the serial number on my Thinka?
Thinka says the my group address can not be read, what can I do?
I need to return my Thinka, how do I do that?
My device shows up in red, is that a problem?
How do I allow Thinka support remote access to my Thinka?
The ETS import in Thinka does not find my group address
How do I remove the password from my Thinka?
I can not invite a home member in Google Home
How do I allow Thinka support remote access to my Thinka for Z-Wave?
How do I give my system integrator remote web access to my Thinka Z-Wave?
My Thinka is flashing blue
How can I see the quality of my Z-Wave network?
My Thinka is already connected to another Home. How can I (re)connect to my Home?
The online backup button stays red - what can be wrong here?
How do I share the diagnostics?
How to reboot Thinka Z-Wave device
In case something is not clear or not working according to your expectation you can contact us, and we will provide instant feedback. We can be reached by email at
, or by phone at +31-20-2420666