For Z-Wave
Thinka for KNX
Thinka for Z-Wave
Frequently Asked questions
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How do I configure my devices?
We have examples for:
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sensor
Contact Sensor
Humidity Sensor
Leak Sensor
Light Sensor
Motion Sensor
Occupancy (presence) Sensor
Push Button
Smoke Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Window Covering
(curtains, blinds)
Energy Monitor
Garage Door
More on
New User Interface
How do I log in to my Thinka?
Do I need ETS to configure my devices?
Can I use Thinka for visualisation?
Where is the serial number of my Thinka?
What kinds of Remote Access does Thinka offer?
What is the easiest way to configure my Thinka?
How do I organize my devices in rooms?
How do I configure my Venetian blinds in Thinka?
Can I use Thinka on my Android phone?
How do I find my Thinka on my network?
How do I configure the IP address of my Thinka
Do I need to configure my network for Thinka?
What is WindowCovering?
Do you support Venetian blinds?
What is the beta channel?
How to configure Google Assistant for Thinka Z-Wave
Will I loose my configuration if I upload my ETS again
Can I use ETS3 or older project to configure Thinka?
Does Thinka support geolocation?
Can I have a permanent VPN connection?
How do I replace a broken Z-Wave device
How to configure Alexa for Thinka Z-Wave
What is the Thinka Companion app? And what is the Home app?
How do I set up VPN connection to my Thinka device?
How do I give my system integrator remote access to my Thinka?
What regions, countries or frequencies does the Thinka for Z-Wave support?
How do I configure an Outlet?
I bought an upgrade to PRO, how can I use it?
How do I configure my Air-conditioning?
I bought a Thinka with PRO functionality. Is the PRO Software shipped with the product?
How to synchronize rooms and devices on Homekit
What do the LEDs mean
How do I configure my valve?
My blinds are inverted
How do I setup a Thinka integration using Olisto?
How do I enable the Thinka PRO IP Gateway
How do I connect my Thinka to the Olisto app?
Can Thinka act as a KNX date and time server?
How do I configure my motion sensor?
How do I configure my carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor?
How do I configure my contact sensor?
Can I use Excel to import my devices and group addresses?
How do I configure my humidity sensor?
Do I need to buy a KNX IP Gateway?
How do I configure my leak sensor?
How do I configure my light sensor?
How do I configure my lightbulb?
How do I configure my occupancy (presence) sensor?
How do I configure my push button?
How do I configure my scenes?
How do I configure my smoke sensor?
How do I configure my switch?
How do I configure my temperature sensor?
How do I configure my thermostat?
Can I use the Thinka to access my KNX system via ETS?
How do I configure my window covering?
Can I manage the KNX system remotely via Thinka?
How do I configure my thermostat device?
How do I configure my Fan?
How do I configure my garage door opener?
How do I install a VPN client?
In case something is not clear or not working according to your expectation you can contact us, and we will provide instant feedback. We can be reached by email at