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What versions of Thinka exist?

Currently we only have one version of the Thinka for KNX: HKV 1.3 and one version of The Thinka for Z-Wave: ZWC HKV 2.0.

Our previous versions are not available anymore:

  • HKV1.1 and HKV1.2 were similar to each other, but could not be powered by the KNX bus as can be done with the current version 1.3, see our news section.
  • Thinka beta (HKVBETA). This is the version that supported HomeKit and was not certified by Apple yet. It came in a grey casing and does not support Google, Olisto or Amazon.
  • Thinka for Amazon Echo (EV1.1). This is the version that supported Amazon Echo only. It came in a black casing and does not support Google, Olisto or HomeKit.

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