Rutenbeck develops and manufactures since more than 60 years of communications products and systems, which are divided into several product areas. The data technology includes active data Technology and passive products for high-quality data networks in commercial and private objects. In the multimedia section you will find communication adapter and cable solutions. Visually appealing and quality installation options. The products of the telematic form the interface for remote switching and monitoring of buildings, both over the telephone network and on local networks or the Internet. The specific requirements of the target groups to products, sales, logistics, service and communication are in the forefront of all activities. The result of this attitude is a high confidence in the reliability, quality and power of innovation of the Rutenbeck company.
KNX partners offer an endless and unique range of products, be it sensors & controls for light, blinds, ventilation, heating, thermostats, camera’s, you name it. This allows you to create your own unique smart home that answers your needs perfectly. Your KNX installer can support you with creating the home you want.
You can find a reseller close to you from our reseller page.
After installation, Thinka makes sure you are in charge; to simply add or adjust settings & scenes to your liking, and control your home the way you want.