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Thinka is the brain to your smart home KNX system. Thinka adds visualisation and voice control with Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa and Google Home to MADEL AIR TECHNICAL DIFUSSION KNX products.


Since 1965, MADEL has designed and produced elements for air diffusion and air control regulation in air conditioned systems.

One of the lines of performance of MADEL consists of equipping its products with aesthetic added value in order to introduce the air diffuser as yet another element to be considered in interior architecture.

The product range is made up of different air diffusers, fire dampers, airflow regulation dampers, zoning systems and chilled beams; adapted for different types of installation in homes, commercial premises, offices, theatres, sporting installations, industrial buildings,… The development, production and commercialisation of products follow a strict ISO 9001: 2008 quality control system.

KNX partners offer an endless and unique range of products, be it sensors & controls for light, blinds, ventilation, heating, thermostats, camera’s, you name it. This allows you to create your own unique smart home that answers your needs perfectly. Your KNX installer can support you with creating the home you want.

You can find a reseller close to you from our reseller page.

After installation, Thinka makes sure you are in charge; to simply add or adjust settings & scenes to your liking, and control your home the way you want.

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