Blumotix produces computers dedicated to the supervision of home and building automation. The coordination of home automation allows us to create breakthrough innovations in the areas of security, comfort and energy savings. Blumotix improves these features thanks to new devices, designed in our research & development area. Kairos is the heart of their solution. It is a complete microcomputer the size of a business card and has the power of a desktop. Kairos is very power efficient and consumers use just 1 Watt of power. Their computers are dedicated to the control of KNX systems, according with original data exported from ETS software. Thanks to its audio video support, Kairos is very attractive for those who want to integrate KNX and video entry phone.
KNX partners offer an endless and unique range of products, be it sensors & controls for light, blinds, ventilation, heating, thermostats, camera’s, you name it. This allows you to create your own unique smart home that answers your needs perfectly. Your KNX installer can support you with creating the home you want.
You can find a reseller close to you from our reseller page.
After installation, Thinka makes sure you are in charge; to simply add or adjust settings & scenes to your liking, and control your home the way you want.